does this HAVE to happen?


Tank driver
I have a D in Biology...

My parents are pissed, I know how to fix it, and it shouldbe figured out, but all they're saying is,

Albert, fix it. Fix it. Fix it.

Just find yourself a willing female classmate (or male, if you go that way) and she'll teach you everything you need to know 'bout biology. :)
That'll fix it.
restoman said:
Just find yourself a willing female classmate (or male, if you go that way) and she'll teach you everything you need to know 'bout biology. :)
That'll fix it.

that is a very good way to fix it.. Sally Rotten Crotch (from other post) could help ya:toot:
Another option is to get the teacher to help ya figure it out? Its probably the theory that is messin you up so lots of studying is in order for you
Can yah do your teacher?

what? It might work....boy has a magghty purty mouth there.... :D:D
Um, the teacher's not a man...

P.S. My parents found out about hte bio grade, they're not happy, but I can probably pull it up.

It was Biochemistry, so that's stuff like carbohydrates, lipids (fats), proteins, and nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)...

Chemistry...I take that now too, same teacher, but I have an A.
Ask for a tutor from your guidance office. I'm tutoring one freshman right now and i definatly see an improvement in him.
leBaronA38 said:
Um, the teacher's not a man....


Turn on the ole charm and before you know it you doin the ole "one, two" right to an A! Maybe an A+ if you hold out long enough.:bwuhaha:

