Dear Wrecker Drivers

not a charger

Well-known member
After 2 snow storms this year, I would like to point out a few things:

1) Charging me a $30 cleanup fee, when the "cleanup" consists of picking up the damgaed car parts covered with oil, coolant, and mud, and throwing them into the leather interior of the brand new car, is not acceptable.

2) Stop putting your J-hooks on the CV boots, thus ripping the boots when you winch the car onto the trailer. Don't hook them to holes in the frame rails or floor pans, either, because you'll rip the rails and floor.

3) When you are unloading, and I see you back the car into the fence post, damaging the rear bumper, don't act like it didn't happen. It did. I saw you do it.

4) Stop throwing every piece of debris into one car when there was a 2 car accident. I'm tired of finding license plates from the wrong car, and I'm sure the guy who's plate it is doesn't appreciate it, either.

5) Don't think for a second that, if I call you at 8am to tow a car in that day, that I'll pay you an extra $15 for storage when you don't show up until the following day.

6) When you bring a car to the shop, don't unload it wherever the heck you feel like, and then come into the shop asking to be paid. Come into the shop first, and ask us where we want the car placed. Otherwise, I'm not paying you until you move the car out of the middle of the main aisle of the parking lot, which you decided was the best place to drop the car...sideways, I might add.

7) Last, quit whining when we ask you to pay for all of the damage your "damage-free" towing service caused by doing some of the things I noted above. Also, don't be surprised that we sue you when you refuse to pay for the damage that you caused. Be even less surprised when we win, and you have to pay up. Don't be surprised at all when, instead of having you tow a car in from your lot, we send another tow company in to get it.

To those of you out there who drive wreckers and take pride in your work, and bust your humps to provide quality, professional, DAMAGE-FREE service, my hat is off to you. It's a tough job, and often done in horrible conditions. Unfortunately, I think you guys are outnumbered by the guys who do what I mentioned above.

Sorry for the rant, but I about had my fill yesterday. Some of these guys were so dumb, and so rude, that on two occasions yesterday, I thought a fistfight would break out between one of my co-workers and a wrecker driver. Take pride in what you do, no matter what it is, or go do somehting else.

Happy Thanksgiving! :banana: :D
I am about a c-hair away from posting something similar about idiots who drive trucks with plows......
I feel for yah.
The majority of tow truck drivers, gravel truck drivers and long-haul truckers seem to be a step or two back on the ol' evolutionary scale. Not all of 'em mind you, but lots.

The frightening thing is that around here, most school bus operators are the worst...
That's funny. I was plowing this morning...:toot: I push all the snow out of my driveway onto my neighbor's lawn. :D

Fortunately, he told me it was OK to do so, and I re-seed that area for him every spring.
Had some run-ins with tow truck operators lately, NAC?

There are some good ones and then there are BAD ones that make you forget all about the good ones.One of my best friends owns a towing company - he's one of the good ones. There is another across the street from my shop - he's one of the BAD ones.

Around here, they nail you for $20 a day storage.
When I had to have my Jeep towed to the shop after the tranny took a staemer on me the driver pushed the truck out of the parking spot so he could hook to my trailer hitch....(flatbed) was a good sign in me book. Then he offered advise on how to fix it cheap IF the problem was what he thought it was. Well it wasn't. Thing was once I told him I used to have a 67 Barracuda he wouldn't shut up :D
Not A Duster said:
The majority of tow truck drivers, gravel truck drivers and long-haul truckers seem to be a step or two back on the ol' evolutionary scale. Not all of 'em mind you, but lots.

The frightening thing is that around here, most school bus operators are the worst...

Wham wham wham and Nodda is getting some exercise for the shovelling arms. Meanwhile on the east coast, the normally 6 feet snowed under crowd are running lawn mowers and sump pumps. Well more sump pumps than mowers. Another 65 feet of rain called for today.:dance: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
I know on the car transport they hold 2 percent of your fiscal gross revenue till the end of the year for damages. Everything is inspected when you load and buddy if you as much as scratch it- off to the nearest high priced body shop it goes.:naughty:
not a charger said:
To those of you out there who drive wreckers and take pride in your work, and bust your humps to provide quality, professional, DAMAGE-FREE service, my hat is off to you. It's a tough job, and often done in horrible conditions. Unfortunately, I think you guys are outnumbered by the guys who do what I mentioned above.

I have found very few that care about their job and do it well. Last year when the Barracuda needed a tow in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, the guy that showed up was pretty good. He didn't have a big shop or a real modern truck but he was good with the car. Everybody else hasn't been gentle with whatever I've needed towed. I could also show you the ripped bumper guard and broken rear wiper on my parents' Jeep that was "like that when it got here" at the towing company impound lot :doubt:
We're lucky that we have 3 tow companies we use regularly that have some of the best wrecker drivers you'll ever see...I mean, guys that can take a car and put it in a space about 6 inches wider than the car, and leave 3 inches of space on either side when they're done. Guys who can load and unload a car that's had all 4 wheels stolen, and not cause any further damage except maybe scraping the rotors/dust shields. Some of these guys are awesome.

Then, there's the rest of them...:mad: Our fenced-in lot is about 180 feet long, and unfortunately, it slopes downhill, away from our overhead door. On Wednesday, during a raging snowstorm, I walked out back and saw some idiot who had just unloaded a Jeep from his rollback, and he unloaded it in the farthest remaining spot from our overhead door. 2 of the wheels were torn off, and one remaining tire was flat. I walked over to him and told him he had to reload it and drop it inside, and he flipped out on me. I calmly (no, seriously...I stayed calm) told him that he could either load it up, put it inisde, and get paid, or he could leave without it, because I wasn't going to let him take it away. After some more blubbering, he finally loaded it up, dragged it in, and guess what? He tried to add another $50 to the bill for "the second tow." That's when I thought my co-worker, who was paying the bill, might throw down with the guy. :D
And please dont send in the driver that smells like a 3 month old beer and smoke ashtray that thinks towing all night is the coolest thing in the world to do.
We have one driver for one of our better companies that is NOT allowed back to the call center to get a P.O. number because he's always so ripe:dgt:
not a charger said:
He tried to add another $50 to the bill for "the second tow." That's when I thought my co-worker, who was paying the bill, might throw down with the guy. :D
Thats the last time that outfit enters the property. Total bullshit.:dgt::mad:
"Take pride in what you do, no matter what it is, or go do somehting else."

Was assholed by a retired bus-driver who was too old to drive a school bus but apparently ok to drive a feed wagon for a nearby elevator. 1700 cash for a 50 dollar car which i'm still driving :dance: 60 bucks at the junkyard and a few hours makin' sweet love with port-a-power she's good as when I got her :rolleyes:
I must be a city boy. It took me four read throughs to figure out what the heck you were sayin', but I got it! :clap: :clap:
dodgechargerfan said:
I must be a city boy. It took me four read throughs to figure out what the heck you were sayin', but I got it! :clap: :clap:

wull shukeeee darn you'll get the hangof her yet.!
I dealt with one last winter. I was shoveling out my driveway with my brother when some idiot drivin a county plow truck nearly hit us as we were shoveling out the driveway...

