car show awards


Well-known member
I need to hurry and order awards for my car show. What kind of awards do you all prefer?

1. traditional trophy
2. nice plaques
3. etched glass award

thanks for the input!
As an award, I think etched glass is nice.

Some shows do participant plaques for the first <insert number here> entrants - but they shouldn't be more than a basic plaque - but nice.
I like the etched glass too, I don't know how much funds you got to work with but the etched glass on a wood base would be kinda neat (maybe just for the 1st place's?)
I think most people just like shiny stuff, they don't really care what it is as long as they win something. Seems to be that way around here at least.

We have a grand total of two car show awards. Once I accidentally entered my Duster in a show (I thought I was parked in the no-judging section:shifty:) I won a big shiny plastic trophy. My kids thought it was the Holy Grail. ahahaha So you see, shiny is good.

At another show, our Dart came in second out of two Darts entered. We got a wooden plaque that makes it sound like we won the Ridler award at the Autorama. I am particularly proud of that one. :D

