Banner Pictures

more like...the site got updated and many things were lost broken molested or otherwise....the arcade is still broken :p
[Buffalo Bob voice]It puts its picture in it's album. Only then can its picture be seen. [/Buffalo Bob voice]

And it didn't get broken. We decided to pick one way to show off our pics and this is it.
more like...the site got updated and many things were lost broken molested or otherwise....the arcade is still broken :p

I think I might have CRS, but I'm not sure if I can remember if I have ummmmm....... what was it I thought I had?
Found the old pic and added it back in to the banner pic album.

That album competes with all of the users albums for a random spot up top... so you may not see it as often as you used to, and the name under the pic will be "banner"
It was the one way we could have both the albums and the old banner pics show up and the only admin that I have to do is add the old ones back in if and when ya want.
Anything new - just add to your album and it will show up.

