Another week, another reckless driver, another dead friend.

not a charger

Well-known member
Today, my wife and I found out that a very good friend of ours was killed yesterday by a hit-skip driver. His name is Mike. He was riding his motorcycle when some stupid whore made a left-hand turn into, not in front of him, but actually into him. Then, she fled the scene, not caring at all that she had just killed Mike. She left him laying dead in the road. She was caught, and is now in jail. I know that she'll get what's coming to her, one way or another. Now, my friend is gone at age 32, and this stupid bitch is still here, as is the drunk ass that killed our friend Gary. This just isn't right.

Mike is the guy who, during our sophomore year of high school, introduced me to my wife. I was immediately infatuated with her, but I didn't know how to tell her. At one point in time, she was planning on permanently relocating to Mississippi. At that point, she had no idea of the feelings I had for her. I was pretty upset that she was planning to leave, but I didn't have the guts to tell her, and I figured it wouldn't matter, anyway. Well, Mike, after trying and trying to convince me to tell her, finally told her himself. I was really embarrassed and angry...until I found out that she decided she would stay because of me. Without Mike, I wouldn't have anything I have today. My wife, my little girl, nothing. I can't believe he's gone. I owe so much to him. I never got to say goodbye.

My wife and I just watched a cheesy, 3-hour video that a group of us, including Mike, made back in high school. There was a large group of us who, though we've gone our separate ways, have managed to stay friends and stay in touch, even though we are scattered all over the US and overseas. We hadn't watched the video in years. At the end, which we had forgotten about, Mike stepped in front of the camera and said,
"I hope that, someday, we can all be together again and watch this video and laugh and cry and enjoy each other's company, just like we are now." Sadly, this will never happen. :(

We are all devastated at the loss of our friend. I don't have any idea what to do. I miss him already. I can't believe he's gone. I'm so angry with the bitch that hit him. I'd kill her with my bare hands if I could, and I'd get a good night's sleep after doing so. I hope she rots.

Thanks for listening.
Sorry for your loss, I don't know what else to say. People just don't think when they get behind the wheel anymore, I think the penalties should be stronger for these types of crimes, maybe people will act a bit more responsible while operating a 4000 pound weapon. [smilie=e:
Man that sucks Mike :( Hopefully your family gets through this ok. Sounds like a hell of guy. Happens to all the good people, huh? Gary, now your friend. Maybe try and get ahold of all of those people in the video and have a get together? Might help to get together with a group of friends that knew him.
Gosh...don't really know what to say man. [smilie=s:
That is such terrible news,My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
OH man that sucks our prayers go out to you and your family, his family and all of your old friends sounded like a great guy. That's too F_CKING YOUNG! Take care we're here for you!

Dave and Roxanne.
oh my gawd that's terrible! [smilie=s:

got no words for it but i'm there in my thoughts to support you and your wife, does he have a family?

take care my friend [smilie=e:
I hate hearing news like this, whether I knew the person or not. It just brings back all the memories of the many people I knew over the years that lost their lives so senselessly. It make you realize how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away.

Flamer has the right idea, spend some time with his family & friends so that you can help each other remember him for the great person he was and for the support that you all will need to get thru this.
Sorry for the loss Mike.
Be with yours and treasure all around you .
Sorrows to you and his family.
You'll be in my prayers
Mike I feel very sad for your loss. There are no words that can make you feel better, so I will not type them. I am sorry. :(
NAC, your story has really hit me. [smilie=s: I am so sorry for your loss. What a true friend you had for him to know what was best for you (meeting your wife) despite your shyness. It must have been a true pleasure to have had a friend like Mike.
Just found this today Mike, I'm so sorry to hear of your great loss. Friends like that are far to few to be losing like that. Best wish's buddy.

