And Another One......


That's It! I'm
ABIDJAN COTE D' lvoire Côte

Subject: Assistance
Please do not be embarrassed or offended that a total stranger is writing to you. At this point in my life, I have no other option than to seek assistance. Any way, I can get it due to my present predicament.
Introduction;I am KONE AMSTRONG 22 Years old son of late Mr Daniél AMSTRONG a Sierre Leonian who operated /deals in Cocoa Business in Abidjan Cote D'ivoire under partnership but unfortunately his Business associates poisoned him in order to claim his wealth in a cocktail party held in his honour as the director of the company.
Two days before his Dead in the Hospital he told me that there is a fund which was deposited in a security company in Abidjan on me name as the to inherit this sum in his record/file. but due to the political problem in this country now, He instructed the security companiy to transfer the boxes that contained the fund to their branch company in Eroupe.
Right now, because of up heaval political crisis in Africa , He found it very unwise for us to invest this funds here in African countries and he adivsed me that I should live my country to near by country for my dear life, I should look for a reliable trust worthy and God fearing person who will assiste I to invest this fund.
This is because he didn"t want his associates to raise an Eye brown on his waelth also advised me to avoid his associates who will be running after my dear life
Your participation; I soliciting for your assistance in transferring this funds into your country.where there is political stability for investment wise for me future .Upon your request, I will fax to you the certificate and agreement of deposit with the security company Please I seek for your assistanc you can contact me through my email contact :

Here is his email addy...
What is it with all these rich cocoa businessmen in Africa being killed?
Is this guy the partner of the other dead guy, do you think they were plotting to kill each other all along?... [smilie=e:

Tune in tomorrow to find out if luke survives the surgery, and if Lucy's baby is really hers!!! [smilie=e:

