All by Myseeeeeelf


Driving around in circles and
Yeah, title says it all. Moved into my dorms yesterday, picked up the campus required Laptop, a nice lil HP with a 1.8 Ghz Centrino, 512 megs DDR, and 128 megs of graphics. I think I'm sittin pretty.

Shame is... I'm hungry :(

Dad, send food.
Yeah, I'm going to one of the top 5 Engineering schools in the nation. The Milwaukee School of Engineering. Apparently they think I'm smart....

I'm loving it already, woke up with a lil hangover this morning, was kinda nice except the fact my buddy woke up up at 7:30 in the morning. That's a buzz killer. Oh well, gotta enjoy it while it lasts because once classes start I'll have no time for fun :(.
Nothing says family like dad shooting porn in your old bedroom. Ahhh the memories.
Your classes haven't started yet? :wtf: (i'm going to assume on the 5th they do) I'm already done with first week...and i don't know about the choice of womens at your school, but here....:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: you can see by that, i'm quite reserved :D

Not only that, we got a pub on campus too :bravo:

Though i don't know Lakelands national/international ranking :huh:

But i say to you good luck...if you feel inclined to head north, just follow 43 until you see a sign thats say Exit 128, Lakeland College. Thats only if you really feel like heading up here :D
Jr. said:
ha ha... if I'm not too busy with homework that is. thats what that stuff is :doh:

I was wondering why the teachers were marking F's on their ledgers....i thought that ment "Fantastic to have in class" :D

But anyway, yeah i hear yah on the homework thing, currently trying to memorize Japanese hirigana for Japanese 101 right now....perhaps i can find one of the Japanese girls out here to help me out with that ;)
1966D100 said:
I was wondering why the teachers were marking F's on their ledgers...
Better buck up, soldier. You're a Muskie now... or have they formalized your mascot to "Muskellunge?" :bwuhaha:
Ahh yes the great and powerful blue fish :bwuhaha:

its still the Muskie :doubt:

