

Tank driver
I clicked somthin on AIM tonight and it's been screwing up my computer.
I think it's a virus.
I log onto AIM and it tries to send itself to everyone on my buddy list.
And it drives me NUTS!!!!


I have no idea how to fix it and I don't even know what the name of the little devil is.
XL, just downloaded that AV to-night, thought I had some of the greeblies on here, but nodda.
Also got AdAware installed, nothing too spectacular popped up, yet this thing was slower than a pig in half-set cement.
Removed a ton of pic files and it helped some, but it's still not performing as I'd like.

Pity this poor fool, his reliance on a 5 year old Compaq is going to be his downfall!!
At least now I have a condom (back) on! :D

Mark, have you ever tried a product called "Starter"? It is a very handy program that wil let you stream line what runs on startup and in the background....very handy. It allows you to trim out the programs you never knew where running, and thereby slowing up your system. I have it on the server downstairs. Shoot me a pm and I will send it to you. :)
Another vote for Hitmanpro MM the only downfall is it only works on NT based systems (which XP is one of). Sorry XL but it sure cleaned up my system!
No need to apologize, not a competition. I found that hitman pro did some damage to mine, but my computer is certainly not a "typical" is already corrupt due to the crap I save from you guys. ;)
I have to crap. Would you like me to send this one to you for saving?

And yet one more vote for the Hitman Pro.
It usually ends up that 2 hits on the side of anything I hit destroys it.
Maybe it's because I use a minimum of a 10 pound sledge?

i always told my mom to open a microsoft word document and press enter 653 times. no more or no less. If you mess it up you will have to start again. It was fun watching her count to 300. Then i got bored and walked away.

Try that method Albert and it may solve all your problems
654....655...656....I'm over your limit. Can I help XL organize his saved crap now?
funny...I fixed it within about 6 minutes.

I used a search feature.

Here's what i did:
1. Shut down computer (I'm actually using a custom comp, been on it since around late July, the 5 year old Dell finally bit the dust at the end of school).
2. Turned it back on.
3. Saw a window that said, "do you want to run program, 'windir32.exe'? I cancelled it and it came up twice. Did the same.
4. Searched on computer (files) for windir32.exe and found it TWICE.
5. Deleted it, and "emptied the recycling bin"
6. Logged into AIM, no problems.
7. Relogged into AIM today. Worked fine.

