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A833 linkage


Well-known member
Hi all,I seen somewhere down east there was someone repoping a body 4 gear shifter rods and i cannot for the life of me find it again.So if anyone knows this outfit or can sell me some for my 68 Dart in Good condition please give me a shout or i will monitor the post. thanks papa-d
He's posting the stuff for sale on eBay... I haven't got a link, but I came across the auction last week.

Then I had to clean the monitor. :shifty:
DR J is that right? i know i seen it somewhere but should have had my butt kicked i think it was like $100. for new rods swivels included will just have to watch i guess. thanks will watch ebay a little closer.papa-d
Yeah, as I recall it was $99 plus shipping... I was looking for Charger exhaust tips and found a pair, and then "View other auctions" got the best of me and there it was. He had two sets listed. I'll see if I can find it again and post a link.
That guys getting that stuff made in China - he also has a site you can buy directly from, but I cant remember what it's called.
Not A Duster said:
That guys getting that stuff made in China - he also has a site you can buy directly from, but I cant remember what it's called.
Well, when you're over a barrel, Made in China beats Not Made Anywhere. I've looked into reproducing a lot of stuff (both personally and in my time at Year One), and quite frankly U.S. suppliers' costs are off the charts... just the tooling to do big-block HP manifolds was almost $30,000--and that's just the wooden molds used to make sand castings, from guys I knew well and worked with previously!
DR, your exactly right with that statement,and chances of getting used ones that are not wore out are Slim to None and slim is out of town lol.Thats unreal with those reproductions cost but today... Nothing seems to surprise me... papa-d
I have a set of perfect originals, papadodge, and I'll be damned if I could be convinced to sell them. Trying to find unbent, unworn OEM stuff from 30+ years ago is nigh-on impossible so I was ridiculously pleased when this stuff literally fell into my lap.
Thanks for the link, papadodge... looks like Accurate has decent prices on a couple of things I'm looking to purchase for the LeBaron.

Those $69 resonators I can get for about $18 my cost, though. :D

