A MoparWiki

Big Kahuna

The Big Kahuna
The MoparWiki Project (www.moparwiki.com) is a project not affiliated with any Mopar board or Community (meaning it is open to all of them without bias) with the goal of putting together the biggest and best Mopar database of knowledge.

A Wiki is a collaboration of knowledge by many people -- to put together a complete and seasoned article or a topic. That's to say that anyone can add to it, or edit incorrect information out of it. One person might have a chart of production numbers by year and body type that he can add. Another might have the year by year drive-train availability. Whatever information you have -- you can add, or add to.

If you have ever been to WikiPedia -- then you know the MoparWIki -- as it uses the exact same software to run it. The administrator and editors (which we need more of) can revert back to previous revisions in case of vandalism -- and ban that IP address from returning to the site.

Those members registered and logged in can see edit links next to each category of an article -- and can click that link to edit. Those not logged in -- cannot.

This project just started, and is a work in progress. While there is still a lot of work to do on the administrative side -- the MoparWiki can accept contributions of knowledge.

These are two examples of topics further along than most with becoming seasoned. They're far from complete -- but are on the way


This is the category listing of Mopar Cars so far:

Now if you have never contributed your knowledge to a Wiki before -- it takes a little knowledge of the Editing language for lists, hyperlinks, categories, etc. This might sound complicated -- but it really isn't. Once you register and log in -- you will see the edit links. Go to a more seasoned topic and click the Edit link -- and you'll get the idea. (Click your Browser's back as to not save garbage). Detailed instruction on editing can be found on the editing pages. Don't let the Wiki editing language scare you -- it is very simple if you invest five minutes. http://www.moparwiki.com/mkportal/modules/mediawiki/index.php?title=Help:Contents


however, this probably wasn't the best website to post that you're looking for contributions. "Experts" like DCF will post how XL drained the fuel tank on the Turbine Car after the President of Mexico filled it with Tequila, etc. (excuse me, I feel the need to make a few contributions.)

