'84 RC no start!


Divorced Bird
OK guys,

This one baffles me. The rig is my '84 RC 2wd. Was a running/driving rig but the trans was crap and the motor wasnt much better (360-4v), so I swapped in another 360 and rebuilt 727. The motor was a supposed runner in an '80 stepside. Its a '75 360 with a later 4-v swapped on it.

Anyway its all swapped in place, and now it wont fire. I've checked spark, have plenty to the coil wire, verified by moving the dist. back and forth. Also have spark to the coil wires, verified by standing in the enginebay (no radiator or belts on it) and cranking while holding the wire to the valvecover. Has purple-ish blue spark, bright.

I've also checked the rotor phasing, brought it to the TDC mark on the balancer and popped the cap and it was pointing to number six.

I put a charger on the battery and tried to fire it, it popped out the carb so I turned the dist. 180 degrees and cranked it, it made a blub blub sound out the exhaust when I released the key so I threw more fuel at it and nothing. I'm not picking anything up out of the tank quite yet so I'm using gas from a can poured down the carb.

I've changed the ignition box to be sure, the old one had the goo coming out the back, I had a new replacement off another truck that was running and driving. Also changed the dist. to the original out of the old 360, remember it was running and driving.

The only other thing I could think of was that its flooded, even though I held it wide open and open choke and cranked it.

This is driving me bananas! Anyone got any other suggestions?
Did you try playing some 'Skynyrd while cranking the engine, just for good measure?:D Seriously, it might pay off to check out a "supposed runner" before installing it on blind faith, then wondering what went wrong when it won't run. Remember, the parts you're purchasing from the junkyard wound up there for a reason.
verify TDC and verify plug order, then verify the timing as close as you can

since your not pulling from the tank..SCREW the tank,,get a gas can some fuel line and run off the pump straight into the gas can.....put the gas can on the windshield between the hood and glass so its ABOVE the fuel pump...this will let the pump prime and pump ASAP, pull the fuel line off the carb and put the line into the mouth of the carb..tap the engine over till you have fuel come out..this will allow you to make sure the pump is in working order and primed...hook up the line back up to the carb and you should fire right up

HOWEVER...this is a common mopar truck issue....sometimes you will get spark only on cranking and it stops as soon as your not cranking..so keep that in mind
OK guys,

I've also checked the rotor phasing, brought it to the TDC mark on the balancer and popped the cap and it was pointing to number six.

and if you go around again it will point to 1. :doh:

go back 180 degrees on the distributor, put the balancer mark at 12 before, point the rotor at number one, take the rotor off and line the reluctor tooth to the pickup snug down the dizzy but loose enough to time later. and do like 69 said with the fuel.

If you reeely want to verify number one fire:

pop the right valve cover
while turning the crank clockwise;) watch for number 6 exhaust valve to close then keep going until the intake valve just starts to open, the mark on the balancer should be real close to 0. this means number six is setting up for intake while number one is at tdc "fire". (with the mark at 0)

1 and 6 are opposing cylinders as are 8 and 5, 4 and 7, and 3 and 2. while one is at fire the other on intake as well as compression to exhaust. It's easier to watch the valve events for intake than it is for fire.

enough of that book learnin', go make some noise [smilie=i:
Did you try playing some 'Skynyrd while cranking the engine, just for good measure?:D

I like a
when lighting an engine for the first time or one that's had major work. I'm weird that way.:bravo:
Well, after re-checking a few things this AM it turned out the rotor phasing WAS off. Turns out it was firing number 2 when number one was at TDC where I had it. (someone jacked with the drive gear position). I used the old screwdriver down the hole trick to determine TDC for sure this time.

So I cranked the dist CCW as far as it could go (it hit a tab on the hold down clamp) and moved the wires back one spot CCW. It fired right off. Primed it again, fired up, then started picking up fuel on its own. I knew the pump was good because it was on the original 360.

I'm going to turn the drive gear one notch clockwise so I'll have some kind of timing adjustment and reset the wires to their original positions.

FWIW the motor wasnt a JY motor, it was in a parts truck I traded for.
id just jump all the wires 1 more notch and time it and be done with it....no need to mess with the gear ...you can get the plug wires easily in the right spots to have MORE than full timing room on the dizzy

