
Active member
Well, I don't feel this old, but today my wife and I celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary...

She is a good woman to have put up with me for these years, 18 of my 20 years in the Navy (5 overseas deployments, and numerous duty station changes). Cars, minivan, Jeep, our kids, life in general.

:bravo: And to 24 more!

SOME ONE asked an elderly couple ( what was their secret to 65 years of marriage)the spry wife answered as the husband smiled and laughed when she said ---we both have keys to the gun cabnet.... they are living together and in the same bed at a retirement home. been there for a year . so they had lived on the farm for all that time. he had farmed 200 acres up till the last 5 years..she had just baked the cake for him there..this is what our world needs for mentors for our young people and ones that have time in and want to improve.....love - true love -- can and always will conqer. ----CONGRATS ON 24 YEARS----- ok now give her the key to the gun cabnet-----with love from the MOPAR FAMILY HERE---ORVIL
Congrats! Keep the wimmenz occupied and/or happy and life is so much more pleasant.
CONGRATS ON 24 YEARS----- ok now give her the key to the gun cabnet-----with love from the MOPAR FAMILY HERE---ORVIL

No gun cabinet here. Ought to be one after the kids move out though. All comes down to mutual respect for one another and knowing when and HOW to say you are sorry when you are wrong. Both sides...

Thanks all!!!
No gun cabinet here. Ought to be one after the kids move out though. All comes down to mutual respect for one another and knowing when and HOW to say you are sorry when you are wrong. Both sides...

Thanks all!!!

even when you aren't wrong sometimes :bwuhaha: err usually [smilie=g:

