1984 by George Orwell

these types of posts are why people are skeptical about your being here and how you've survived all the way to your late teenage years....
Hard to believe he beat the other 8,999,999 sperms to the egg.
The book is fiction, the only thing I remember about 1984 I was in 7th grade and I really wanted some parachute pants.
Hard to believe he beat the other 8,999,999 sperms to the egg.
The book is fiction, the only thing I remember about 1984 I was in 7th grade and I really wanted some parachute pants.

OK, the sperm part was funny, but parachute pants are fuckin' hilarious!(until they get hung up in your bicycle chain:( )
Only thing I remember about 1984 was it was a SWEET Van Halen album! :fishy:
I was 6. :)
The only thing I remember about 1984 is New Year's Eve and banging this chick while my fiancee watched (it was her best friend too). And then banging the fiancee while the chick watched.
[barbra streisand] Memwees, wike the corners of my mind...misty water colored memwees of the way we were[/barbra streisand]
The book is excellent. And it is amazing how much he nailed when he wrote it in 1949 or so. A lot can be manipulated or forced to fit as a match for today, but overall he got it right. And since 9/11 Big Brother wants to grow into the final stage where old Georgie had it pegged.

Some of us didn't care much for parachute pants.
The only thing I remember about 1984 is New Year's Eve and banging this chick while my fiancee watched (it was her best friend too). And then banging the fiancee while the chick watched.
[barbra streisand] Memwees, wike the corners of my mind...misty water colored memwees of the way we were[/barbra streisand]

I've been to some wild News Years Eve parties, but you sir, have me beat.
Did the fiancee ever become the wife?
I've been to some wild News Years Eve parties, but you sir, have me beat.
Did the fiancee ever become the wife?
For about 18 months then she turned into psycho b!tch from hell. During the divorce proceedings her own attorney asked to be released. I heard later on that she did some inpatient time in a mental health facility.
But boy howdy she was a wild one!
I honestly hope she is doing well now.
But boy howdy she was a wild one!
--------- PUT the spurs to er didja
? the best thing you could of done was tell her that her sister was better than her her while riding her ...hold on to her hair cause it will be the best Bronco 8 second ride you,ll ever have---:bwuhaha: did i sighn this --nope:toot:
I liked it. course, I read it in 1984.....I was in like grade 12 for the 8th or ninth time.....
I was pretty well fugged up from my 1st divorce in '76 until somewhere in the mid-80's, so yea....it was a blur.:doh:

Never read the book but the original movie made in England was good. The later US made movie was so-so.:dgt:
Ok I have heard the term but what exactly are parachute pants? :huh:
And yes I'm glad I don't know! :D[smilie=::
1984 was a good book maybe it should be been 2004 but he raised some good points. I read it before most of you were born 67 or 68.
I started the year 1984 as a SSGT in the USAF and ended at intel. Wild ride.
I read 1984 and it scared the shit out of me! Of course it was the "best by" date on a jar of pickled pigs feet I just finished last week. :D
i know something important happened in 84.... Reagan was re-elected? someone important died? they stopped making the mitsubishi challenger? (last year was 83 see below) something important....


Kinda funny its a mitsu LAMBDA.... which was also the nerd frat in Revenge of the Nerds....
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