Search results

  1. onehellofadart

    Hey Music Lovers

    Recently I have been working over the internet with a gentleman by the name of Mike a synth man. I have been laying solo's on 3. so far, of his songs. I have stepped out of my usual genre of Blues Rock into Prog/Rock. Check it out and let me know what you think, Please. Follow the link and...
  2. onehellofadart

    It went great 9-8-07

    My band played at THe Murray Street Grill in NYC on 9-8-07. We played to a crowd of about 80 people. It was a small club and it was tight in there. We opened up for a local blues band "Tony Santos and his Blues Conspracy" We brought the house down, we kicked ass!!! It was more like a concert...
  3. onehellofadart

    Theres Gonna Be Some Rockin

    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]:giggedy:I'm really excited about our first job, by choice, in over 10 years and in New York City at A friend of mine, Tony Santos asked me, (Waiting For Helen) to be his opening act on September 8, 2007. I was a little hesitant at first and...
  4. onehellofadart

    Calling Rustycuda

    I don't remember if I asked you this before, do you install and service Mitsubishi a/c units? Mr.Slim in particular. Tony
  5. onehellofadart

    In what Zappa song

    Did Chrissy get taken and by whom?:giggedy:
  6. onehellofadart

    Happy Easter

    :xl: Happy Easter to everyone and your families!
  7. onehellofadart

    I'm still smiling!

    [smilie=2: I pulled my wheels! :giggedy: I haven't mentioned this but feel the need to now for some reason. A few weeks ago I took the Dart out. It was a crisp morning about 45*. I went out to the highway to Guitar Center. Leaving I grannied out the driveway onto a major 5 lane highway and...
  8. onehellofadart

    Step up to the stage

    It's been a while so lets go: What unknown but now famous Grammy winning Guitarist, while performing with another famous guitarist composers band would challenge the audience that he could and would site read and play any musical score they would bring to the show on the spot. HE he he[smilie=2:
  9. onehellofadart

    The Three Little Pigs, Italian Style

    First let me say I am 100% Sicilian. Tony, onehellofadart That being said, ITALIAN STYLE PIG STORY . The Three Little Pigs - Italian Style Once upon a time there were three little pigs. The straw pig, the stick pig and the brick pig. One day this nasty old wolf came up to the straw...
  10. onehellofadart

    OK Boys, & Gals

    Who is this and what famous English band did he play with from the late 1969 to 1990's By the way he is a guitarist.
  11. onehellofadart

    Dirty Panties

    A woman was unhappy with the way her laundry was done at the local Chinese Laundry, so she wrote a note and put it in the bag with the next collection of soiled clothes: "USE MORE SOAP ON PANTIES!" She got the clean laundry back, and was still dissatisfied with the results, so the...
  12. onehellofadart

    The Shameless Plug Post

    :giggedy: My band "Waiting For Helen" just set up our site on These guys are listing our CD to sell for us. We will shortly be listed on i-tunes, napster, and a few others I can't remember at the moment,(note to self go back and read the damm release!) I was asked to list...
  13. onehellofadart

    MIA Sorry.

    Sorry I haven't been around as much as I have been. Been working on my Music Web page ,(see link in my sig), It is really coming along nice. Take another look at it. The place has been good. The band was on another site for 3 years and had about 400 looks and about 100 songs played. This new...
  14. onehellofadart

    Kids are cute!!!

    One day a teacher had a taste test with her students. She picked a little boy to do the first test. She blindfolded him, put a Hershey kiss in his mouth and asked, "Do you know what it is?" "No, I don't," said the little boy. "OK, I'll give you a clue. It's the thing your daddy wants from...
  15. onehellofadart

    It's About Time!!!

    I have finally set up a web site for my band and our new CD is totally Mastered and finished! Please have a listen, check it out and let me know how it looks and sounds! Thanks!!! Tony
  16. onehellofadart


    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, your family and extended Families! May your hearts and bellies be full! God bless all!! :bravo:
  17. onehellofadart

    Anyone heard

    From Rustycuda?
  18. onehellofadart

    To the powers that be

    Why? onehellofadart, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access...
  19. onehellofadart

    Extra Extra Read All About It !!

    Had a great time! Made some new friends, Guy from Ct. , and Greg from NH. By the way also ran a new best!! Last year my best was a 12.991. At the Nat's I ran a new best of 12.777. :giggedy: Tires spun through 1st a little, my 60' was off by .10. Makes me feel confident that there is an easy...
  20. onehellofadart

    Mopar Nats @ Englishtown NJ 5-19-21-06

    For real now!!! Are any of you guys going Saturday 5-20-06? I'll be there on Saturday. :bravo:

